Friday, April 11, 2008

Braden and Jodee's Baby

Well, we have just a little bit of a worry here. Jodee went for a second ultra sound because the baby's kidneys were slightly enlarged and there was something on the heart. Both were "soft" indicators of Down Syndrome. But at the second ultra sound they checked other things like little or no nasal bone, length of legs and skin thickness on the back of her neck, which are "hard" indicators for Downs and the baby did not have those. They took a blood test that will let us know further and the results will be back in a week or so. Jodee, bless her heart, has cried alot and been very worried - but she says that she and Braden feel strongly that the baby is ok. So, please keep them in your prayers!!
We'll keep you posted!


Cristina said...

They will be in my thoughts and prayers. Also having our church put her on the prayer list, too.

Jami West said...

I feel so sad for Jodee that she has to worry for 4 weeks like this! It's not fair. John (my John) has a saying, It will all work out :) We've been praying for her and I think of her all the time.

Braden and Jodee said...

Thanks Mommy :)