Well, Casey's leaving this Friday for
Ohio. And in case I've neglected to tell
someone - he's taking a job with
Honda in the Motorsports Design Dept.

So . . . we had a little family get-together
last night at our house.

Garrett and Adam and families, Grandma
and Grandpa Fenn, Mike and Sundee
and the rest.

This is Dax and Ty (Garrett's boys)

Uncle Adam helping Ty.

Ashton (Adam's Boy) and Das on the

My sweetheart!!!
Yea, I know. I should have gotten
more posed pictures of siblings, etc.
Anyway, it was fun to have 7 of my
8 children and my parents all together.
(We missed you Jodee and Braden!!)
We are really going to miss Casey - it
has been sooooo fun having him home
for two months. He gets to fly home in
September to help the movers with his
stuff and thenhe'll be home for Christmas
- so not too bad!!
OH! I'm sad but happy. We miss having Casey close to us but we're so happy for him. He's going to have a blast! It's so cool how much he has accomplished.
It's good to see some of the family in pictures. Everyone looks good.
I guess it really won't be that different for me since we've lived so far apart anyway... I'm just really excited for him!! Can't wait to see him at Christmas (I'm thinking very positive that we'll be able to come)
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