boss regarding his insurance. Well, I
guess that is a big no-no and John got
made fun of ALOT by Adam
(they work together) and some co-workers.
PLUS . . . I got teased alot because his
"Mommy" called! Anyway, Dale had the
great idea to embarrass him some more
on his birthday. So I got a big bouquet
of balloons and I took them to his work!

The funniest thing was that when I got
there, no one could find him. So by the
time we found him, the whole shop was
gathered around!

John was VERY surprised!!

He tied them to his toolbox.

This is John's embarrased face!!

Adam was in on it - this is John giving
Adam a stern talking to! Adam doesn't
look too worried. I took Sundee along
as the photographer.

Later that night we had "gourmet"
hamburgers and 7 layer cake. Alexis
came over for dinner and desert.
That's John trying to lick the frosting
off the candle.

Dale and I got him a motorcyle stand.

Happy 20th John!!
I almost couldn't tell if that was Casey or John!
Happy Birthday Poo! I can't believe he's 20. So weird. I'm glad you are still embarrassing your children :)
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