Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This is for you, Jodee

1.Where were you when you first found out that you were pregnant? I was at a Family Clinic in Long Beach. I lied about when my last period was so that they would do the test. I was only 7 days late and you had to be 10 days late.
2.Who was with you? My mom
3.How did you find out that you were pregnant? Peeing in a cup at the clinic.
4.What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? I was really excited and kind of scared! I couldn't really believe it.
5.Who was the first person you told? Dale.
6.Did you plan to get pregnant? Well birth control was a pain so we just decided to quit using any and see what happened!
7.Did you tell everyone else right away? It's been so long I really can't remember - but I think we just told everybody.
8.Was everybody happy for you? I think so.
9.Did you go out and celebrate? No.
10.Did you want to find out the sex? No, this was the 70's - no ultra sounds, nothing!
11.What was the sex? A boy
.12.Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yes, my sister, Carla.
13.Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew that you wouldn't put on your baby? Can't remember the outfits!
14.How much weight did you gain? This I do remember - 60!!!
15.Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Actually, I did - within about 9 months I had lost 70 lbs which put me at my wedding weight.
16. Did you get any stretch marks? Yes, on my hips.
17.What did you crave the most? I was so sick, I don't really remember much of anything tasting good.
18.Did you crave anything crazy? No, but whenever anything finally sounded good I just ate alot of it.
19.Who or what got on your nerves? I was pretty bitchy, but smells were really hard.
20.Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? No
21.Where and when did you go into labor? Home at about 10:30 pm.
22.Did your water break? Yes, it broke when I was on the toilet at home about 10:45 and then kept dripping down my legs as we hiked up a hill to the hospital!!
23.Who drove you to the hospital? Dale.
24.Who was in the room when you gave birth? Dale, the doctor and some nurses.
25.Did you go early or late? on time, thank you.
26.How long were in labor for? well, I was in labor at home for about 1 1/2 hours, but I wasn't about to go to the hospital until midnight cause I didn't want to get charged for an extra day. I walked into the hospital at 12:01 and Garrett was born at 4:20 am.
27.Did you have any drugs for the pain? None.
28.Did you go natural or have a C-section? Natural.
29.What was your first reaction after giving birth? So relieved ! I said "Oh, look at the little baby". The doctor said, "honey, there's nothing little about your baby"!
30.How big was the baby? 9 lbs 5 oz. 21 inches
31.Did your husband cry? No - but he was pretty overwhelmed
32.What did you name the baby? Garrett Joseph Heit
33.Does his name have any significant meaning? Elder Garrett was Dale's first missionary companion and Joseph is my grandfathers name.
34.Did you have any visitors? Yes, my Mom and Dad, Dale's parents and my brothers and sisters.
35.Did the baby have any complications? No
36.How old is your baby today? 31!
37.When is the next one coming? OMG!
.38.If you could, would you do it all over again? Of course!
39.Tag five: I tag whoever wants to do this who has had a baby.


Braden and Jodee said...

Thanks Mom! That was fun :)

Mike and Sundee Davis said...

Haha that was fun. And I laughed right out loud, especially at your use of such terms as "bitchy" and "OMG".

Jami West said...

You are so funny! I am still laughing out loud. I was so confused at first because I really got the smart genes in my family. I thought at the top when is said This is for you, Jodee that it meant it was about you being pregnant with Jodee. Took me a minute... or two! I love that you went in at 12:01 am. I should have thought about that too!